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Are You Living Your Best Life?  Do You Want to Learn How You Can?

We see people that just seem to have it all together.  Right?  They aren’t making all the “wrong” choices before they make the “right” ones.  They know exactly who they are, what they want and they go after it. 

I had to make many “wrong” choices before making the “right” choices.  (Though now I don’t see them as “wrong” choices)      


Painful roads of…      


>>Not knowing my worthiness and letting others determine my worthiness.       

>>People pleasing, seeking other’s approval and not saying no enough.      

>>Listening to others before listening to my own inner voice.      

>>Not going after things I wanted thinking I didn’t have what it takes.        

>>Choosing the wrong men knowing I was worthy of more.        

>>Accepting jobs or career paths knowing I was capable of more.   


If you aren’t living your best life, you can start today. You just need to remember who you are. This course will help you remember what your soul already knows. You were meant for greatness – it’s about time you start living it!  You did not come here to be sick, poor, alone, angry, resentful, forgotten…and all of those other negative things. I have been where you are, believe me. I lost my way for a while. And I thank God every day for showing me how to get back on track. He gave me the people and the tools I needed to show up fully in life and embrace my magnificence. You are all entitled to an amazing life, and I think it’s about time that you realized it!

In this online course, you will have all access to 23 daily lessons that teach you how to call in more abundance, I will show you how to become more positive in all areas of your life, and you will grow spiritually. Plus, when you purchase this program, you will get two 30 minute one on one sessions with me to help you work on building a life you absolutely love.  The great part is that you have lifetime access to these lessons. They are yours to keep forever, which is great when you want to revisit your favorite topics.  To get started, simply click on the PayPal link above.

Is this course really for me?  How can it help me?

Each daily lesson is comprised of tools like  meditations, EFT tappings, podcasts, journaling, and much more.  Each day focuses on a different topic. These topics include:

  • How to change your habits in order to live a healthy life both physically and emotionally

  • How to meditate and why it’s important

  • How to find your purpose and to create intentions and goals for achieving that purpose

  • Vision boards and visioning success

  • How to do regular self-care

  • How to heal your past emotional wounds

  • How to increase your feelings of self-love and self-worth

  • I teach you about the Archangels and how you can work with them

  • Healthy boundaries and why they are important in relationships

  • Plus, you get 2 private one one one sessions with me


If you are ready to up-level spiritually, then this is the place for you.  I want you to feel rich in every area of your life so that when things like money or love show up it’s just a bonus. Let's get ready for an amazing transformation.  Start your journey today.  


Love Your Life is just $197 for a limited time, but the benefits and lasting effects of this course are priceless.  You could expect to pay over $400 or more for a course like this anywhere else.  You deserve to experience the best that life has to offer.  Plus, once you join, the lessons are yours to keep forever.  You are worthy of unlimited love and abundance.  Let me show you how to live your best life possible.  It's time to invest in you.  You deserve it!  You can split the payment into two equal monthly payments below. 


Here is what one client had to say after taking my course.  

"Just wanted to tell you that I am SOOOO thankful I found you!  My life is changing in so many amazing, beautiful ways, and I am so, so, so grateful to the Universe for bringing you into my life!" 

Purchase now with Payment Plan

©2018 by Melissa Oatman. 

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